Mikaelah and David

Meet Mikaelah and David, two first-time home buyers who recently embarked on the exciting journey of purchasing their first home! Their story is one of perseverance, smart financial planning, and a bit of good fortune, all culminating in the purchase of the cutest home they could have imagined!

Mikaelah and David had been renting a small apartment for several years. Eager to lay down roots and invest in their future, they decided it was time to buy their first home. They spent months browsing listings online, attending open houses, and getting a feel for different neighborhoods in Denver. Their ideal home was one that had character, was close’ish to work, and obvi was within their budget.

One sunny afternoon, after visiting numerous properties that didn’t quite fit the bill, they stumbled upon a bungalow that was a true gem. With its picturesque exterior, cozy layout, and massive yard, it was love at first sight. The house exuded warmth with its original hardwood floors and had all the features they had been dreaming of, including an updated kitchen and a backyard perfect for their future garden.

The Denver real estate market can be fiercely competitive, but they were determined to make this house their own. After careful consideration, they made an offer at the asking price.

To finance their purchase, David utilized a VA loan, a benefit earned through his service in the military. The VA loan provided them with favorable terms, including no down payment and competitive interest rates, making the dream ofhomeownership more attainable. The process, while detailed, was smooth, thanks to the resources and support available to veterans! 

Their offer was accepted, and Mikaelah and David were overjoyed. They had secured their dream home at the asking price, a rarity in Denver’s hot housing market. With the financial advantages of the VA loan, they kept their savings intact for future renovations and unexpected expenses.

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